Jade and Winston’s puppies will weigh an average of 25 pounds as adults.
Mom (Jade) weighs 30 lbs. She’s very low shedding with a nice wavey coat.
Dad (Winston) weighs 20 lbs. He doesn’t shed and has a wavey-to-straight coat.
Their babies should be low to non-shedding.
Both parents have amazing temperaments and are health tested and clear of genetic diseases!
Puppies have received early neurological stimulation and early scent recognition stimulation. These help to strengthen the pup/dog against stress, illness, increase overall physical health, improve confidence, and stimulate awareness. These dogs can be trained more easily for service work.
Puppies are raised with love: a lot of human attention and interaction with noisy young children.
Each puppy will be/have:
- up to date on shots and dewormers
- a veterinarian checkup
- a blanket that smells like mom
- a small bag of food to help with his/her transition
They will be 8 weeks old and ready to join their forever families on November 20. We are also happy to hold your pup until Christmas!
All puppies come with a two-year health guarantee!
For more information or to place a deposit, please call or text
Diane (801-726-9772) or email her using the form below.
Jade is sweet and adorable! She is an F1B Bernedoodle. She doesn’t shed and weighs 30 pounds. She is a healthy happy girl with a great temperament. She has been health tested and is clear of over 200 genetic diseases.
Winston is a nonfading multi generation Bernedoodle. He has a great temperament and weighs only 20 pounds. Winston is pennhip certified and health tested and clear through Embark and Animal Genetics.